
The Ultimate Bootstrap & Angular 6 Admin Theme Framework For Next Generation Applications

How to create a custom page

There are the example how to create your own page and add it to the left side menu and breadcrumbs.

1. Create a custom Page

Run this Angular CLI command for generate new component:

ng generate component content/pages/my-page

The result of the command is:


2. Register new component in the routing

Register new component in the /src/app/content/pages/pages-routing.module.ts file:

// Other imports
import { MyPageComponent } from './my-page/my-page.component'; // <= Import component

const routes: Routes = [
    path: '',
    component: PagesComponent,
      canActivate: [NgxPermissionsGuard],
      data: {
        permissions: {
          only: ['ADMIN', 'USER'],
            except: ['GUEST'],
            redirectTo: '/login'
        children: [
          path: '',
          loadChildren: './components/dashboard/dashboard.module#DashboardModule'
          path: 'my-page', // <= Page URL
          component: MyPageComponent // <= Page component registration
          path: 'mail',
          loadChildren: './components/apps/mail/mail.module#MailModule'
          path: 'ecommerce',
          loadChildren: './components/apps/e-commerce/e-commerce.module#ECommerceModule'

// Other code

3. Add page to the left menu

Add page to the left menu in /src/app/config/menu.ts file:

// Other imports 
import { ConfigModel } from '../core/interfaces/config';

export class MenuConfig implements ConfigModel {
  public config: any = {};

  constructor() {
    this.config = {
      header: {
        self: {},
        items: [
          // Header menu configuration
      aside: {
        self: {},
        items: [
            title: 'Dashboard',
            desc: 'Some description goes here',
            root: true,
            icon: 'flaticon-line-graph',
            page: '/',
            badge: {type: 'm-badge--danger', value: '2'},
            translate: 'MENU.DASHBOARD'
            title: 'My Page', // <= Title of the page
            desc: 'Some my description goes here', // <= Description of the page
            root: true,
            page: '/my-page', // <= URL
            icon: 'flaticon-line-graph' // <= Choose the icon
           {section: 'Components'},

// Other code

4. Add page to the breadcumbs

Add page to the breadcrumbs in /src/app/config/pages.ts file:

import { ConfigModel } from '../core/interfaces/config';

export class PagesConfig implements ConfigModel {
  public config: any = {};

  constructor() {
    this.config = {
      '/': {
        page: {
          title: 'Dashboard',
          desc: 'Latest updates and statistic charts'
      'my-page': { // <= add page URL
        page: { title: 'My page', desc: 'My page desc' } // <= Page name and description
      ngbootstrap: {
        accordion: {
           page: { title: 'Accordion', desc: '' }
        alert: {
          page: { title: 'Alert', desc: '' }

// Other code

The result of the 4 steps is:


I run a team of 20 product managers, developers, QA and UX resources. Previously we designed everything ourselves. For our newest platform we tried out Metronic. I cannot overestimate the impact Metronic has had. It's accelerated development 3x and reduced QA issues by 50%. If you add up the reduced need for design time/resources, the increase in dev speed and the reduction in QA, it's probably saved us $100,000 on this project alone, and I plan to use it for all platforms moving forward.
The flexibility of the design has also allowed us to put out a better looking & working platform and reduced my headaches by 90%. Thank you KeenThemes! Jonathan Bartlett, Metronic Customer

Powerful Framework

Everything within Metronic is customizable globally to provide limitless unique styled projects

Multi Demo

Choose a perfect design for your next project among hundreds of demos

Limitless Components

A huge collection of components to power your application with the latest UI/UX trands

Angular 6 Support

Enterprise ready Angular 6 integration with built-in authentication module and many more

Bootstrap 4

Metronic deeply customizes Bootstrap with native look and feel

Exclusive Datatable Plugin

Our super sleek and intuitive Datatable comes packed with all advanced CRUD features

60,000+ Strong

Metronic is the only theme trusted by over 60,000 developers world wide

Continuous Updates

Lifetime updates with new demos and features is guaranteed

Quality Code

Metronic is writer with a code structure that all developers will be able to pick up easily and fall in love

The Ultimate Bootstrap Admin Theme Trusted By Over 60,000 Developers World Wide