is a Metronic's custom plugin defined in
is a Metronic's custom plugin defined in
Below code shows basic initialization of the datatable from element with attribute ID
<div id="m_datatable"></div>
var datatable = $('#m_datatable').mDatatable(options);
You can also init the datatable using the class name. But the ID attribute is required for the datatable session state such as pagination, query, etc. Datatable save state can be disabled if don't require.
<div class="my_datatable" id="m_datatable"></div>
var datatable = $('.my_datatable').mDatatable(options);
var options = {
data: {
type: 'remote',
source: {
read: {
url: 'inc/api/datatables/demos/orders.php',
method: 'GET',
// custom headers
headers: { 'x-my-custom-header': 'some value', 'x-test-header': 'the value'},
params: {
// custom parameters
generalSearch: '',
EmployeeID: 1,
someParam: 'someValue',
token: 'token-value'
map: function(raw) {
// sample data mapping
var dataSet = raw;
if (typeof !== 'undefined') {
dataSet =;
return dataSet;
pageSize: 10,
saveState: {
cookie: true,
webstorage: true
serverPaging: false,
serverFiltering: false,
serverSorting: false
autoColumns: false
layout: {
theme: 'default',
class: 'm-datatable--brand',
scroll: false,
height: null,
footer: false,
header: true,
smoothScroll: {
scrollbarShown: true
spinner: {
overlayColor: '#000000',
opacity: 0,
type: 'loader',
state: 'brand',
message: true
icons: {
sort: {asc: 'la la-arrow-up', desc: 'la la-arrow-down'},
pagination: {
next: 'la la-angle-right',
prev: 'la la-angle-left',
first: 'la la-angle-double-left',
last: 'la la-angle-double-right',
more: 'la la-ellipsis-h'
rowDetail: {expand: 'fa fa-caret-down', collapse: 'fa fa-caret-right'}
sortable: false,
pagination: true,
search: {
// enable trigger search by keyup enter
onEnter: false,
// input text for search
input: $('#generalSearch'),
// search delay in milliseconds
delay: 400,
detail: {
title: 'Load sub table',
content: function (e) {
// e.detailCell
rows: {
callback: function() {},
// auto hide columns, if rows overflow. work on non locked columns
autoHide: false,
// columns definition
columns: [{
field: "RecordID",
title: "#",
locked: {left: 'xl'},
sortable: false,
width: 40,
selector: {class: 'm-checkbox--solid m-checkbox--brand'}
}, {
field: "OrderID",
title: "Order ID",
sortable: 'asc',
filterable: false,
width: 150,
responsive: {visible: 'lg'},
locked: {left: 'xl'},
template: '{{OrderID}} - {{ShipCountry}}'
}, {
field: "ShipCountry",
title: "Ship Country",
width: 150,
overflow: 'visible',
template: function (row) {
return row.ShipCountry + ' - ' + row.ShipCity;
}, {
field: "ShipCountry",
title: "Ship Country",
width: 150,
overflow: 'visible',
sortCallback: function (data, sort, column) {
var field = column['field'];
return $(data).sort(function (a, b) {
var aField = a[field];
var bField = b[field];
if (sort === 'asc') {
return parseFloat(aField) > parseFloat(bField)
? 1 : parseFloat(aField) < parseFloat(bField)
? -1
: 0;
} else {
return parseFloat(aField) < parseFloat(bField)
? 1 : parseFloat(aField) > parseFloat(bField)
? -1
: 0;
toolbar: {
layout: ['pagination', 'info'],
placement: ['bottom'], //'top', 'bottom'
items: {
pagination: {
type: 'default',
pages: {
desktop: {
layout: 'default',
pagesNumber: 6
tablet: {
layout: 'default',
pagesNumber: 3
mobile: {
layout: 'compact'
navigation: {
prev: true,
next: true,
first: true,
last: true
pageSizeSelect: [10, 20, 30, 50, 100]
info: true
translate: {
records: {
processing: 'Please wait...',
noRecords: 'No records found'
toolbar: {
pagination: {
items: {
default: {
first: 'First',
prev: 'Previous',
next: 'Next',
last: 'Last',
more: 'More pages',
input: 'Page number',
select: 'Select page size'
info: 'Displaying {{start}} - {{end}} of {{total}} records'
Field | Type | Description | |||||||||||||||||
data.type |
string |
Required. Set type to remote for remote data get public URL.
local is for local data predefined in variable.
||||||||||||||||| |
string |
If data.type is defined as
remote . Type of remote datasource can be static or dynamic.
For the static datasource you can define static JSON file URL. And for dynamic datasource with pagination, sorting and filtering need to be defined as above sample.
url is required, and params object is optional.
||||||||||||||||| |
string |
Request method for ajax request. The value can be GET or
The default value is POST .
||||||||||||||||| |
object |
Headers parameter object will be sent along in the datatable API request headers.
||||||||||||||||| |
object |
Your own API may requires some parameter to call for getting the data. E.g. token, search keywords, IDs, etc. This query parameters object will be sent along in the datatable API request.
||||||||||||||||| |
function |
Custom mapping the received data into datatable grid.
||||||||||||||||| |
number |
Number of milliseconds before the request ended. Default is 30000, equal to 30 seconds.
data.pageSize |
number |
Define page size of data for each request. Default value is 10.
data.saveState.cookie |
boolean |
Set true or false to enable/disable datatable state to save in
cookie . Default value is true.
data.saveState.webstorage |
boolean |
Set true or false to enable/disable datatable state to save in
webstorage . Default value is true.
data.serverPaging |
boolean |
Enable/disable pagination in server side. Only applied for the
remote data.type.
data.serverFiltering |
boolean |
Enable/disable filtering in server side. Only applied for the
remote data.type.
data.serverSorting |
boolean |
Enable/disable sorting in server side. Only applied for the
remote data.type.
data.autoColumns |
boolean |
Enable/disable auto create columns. By enabling this, the datatable will automatically create all available data in an object.
Layout | |||||||||||||||||||
layout.theme |
string |
Define which class of theme to apply into datatable.
layout.class |
string |
Custom class to add into datatable.
layout.scroll |
boolean |
Enable/disable scroll.
layout.height |
string |
Define fixed height for the datatable.
layout.footer |
boolean |
Enable/disable footer.
layout.header |
boolean |
Enable/disable header.
layout.customScrollbar |
boolean |
Enable/disable custom scrollbar. Default is true.
layout.spinner.overlayColor |
string |
Spinner background overlay color.
layout.spinner.opacity |
number |
Spinner background opacity.
layout.spinner.type |
string |
Spinner type.
layout.spinner.state |
string |
Spinner state style. Default to brand.
layout.spinner.message |
boolean string |
Enable/disable loading message during spinner is active. Set boolean or text string message.
layout.icons.sort |
object |
Options config for the icons class for sorting icon ascending and descending.
layout.icons.pagination |
object |
Icons for pagination buttons.
layout.icons.rowDetail |
object |
rowDetail is for expand and collapse icon for table with child table.
Others | |||||||||||||||||||
sortable |
boolean |
Enable/disable columns sortable globally.
pagination |
boolean |
Enable/disable pagination globally.
search.onEnter |
boolean |
Set the search input keyup event to enter. The internal search will be triggered using
Enter button. Set false to trigger search on keyup any buttons.
search.input |
jQuery |
Pass the jQuery element of input. The datatable will add onKeyup event to the input to trigger the internal search filter the data that already in the table.
search.delay |
number |
Control the speed of search and data load request to reduce the search call frequency automatically. Default value is 400ms.
Set the number of milliseconds.
Toolbar | |||||||||||||||||||
toolbar.layout |
array |
Set the order of pagination and info by array index.
toolbar.placement |
array |
An array list of placement for pagination buttons. Can be multiple values. Set the pagination placement to bottom or top.
toolbar.items |
string |
Pagination type.
toolbar.items |
object |
Pagination pages responsive config for desktop. An object that contains layout and pagesNumber. Default value for layout is default. Define pagesNumber to specify how many number of page for each responsive breakpoint.
toolbar.items |
object |
Pagination pages responsive config for tablet. An object that contains layout and pagesNumber. Default value for layout is default. Define pagesNumber to specify how many number of page for each responsive breakpoint.
toolbar.items |
object |
Pagination pages responsive config for mobile. Default value for layout is compact.
Layout compact type do not have to specify pagesNumber.
toolbar.items |
object |
Enable/disable pagination buttons for prev, next, first, last.
toolbar.items |
array |
Array of Number for select size dropdown to select pagination size. -1 is used for "All" option.
||||||||||||||||| |
boolean |
Enable/disable display of records and pagination info.
Translate | |||||||||||||||||||
translate.records.processing |
string |
Translation for records loading during spinner is active.
translate.records.noRecords |
string |
Translation for no records message.
translate.toolbar |
object |
Translation for pagination. Contains key for first, prev, next, last, more, input, select.
translate.toolbar |
string |
Translation for info template.
Detail | |||||||||||||||||||
detail.title |
string |
Sub table title.
detail.content |
object |
A callback function of
Datatable instance as a sub table of each record. The callback has one parameter which you can access the row data and child table element in
event.detailCell .
Rows | |||||||||||||||||||
rows |
object |
An array of columns with options object for each column. First column should be define as a unique key for each records. | |||||||||||||||||
rows.callback |
string |
Row callback. Deprecated in v5.0.6
Use rows.beforeTemplate instead.
rows.beforeTemplate |
string |
Row callback that call before template being rendered. Receive 3 params which are the row jQuery element, the row data and row number index.
rows.afterTemplate |
string |
Row callback that call after rows has been rendered. Receive 3 params which are the row jQuery element, the row data and row number index.
rows.autoHide |
boolean |
Auto hide columns which are overflow in a row
Columns | |||||||||||||||||||
columns |
array |
An array of columns with options object for each column. First column should be define as a unique key for each records. | |||||||||||||||||
columns[ColName].field |
string |
Required. The field name of column.
columns[ColName].title |
string |
Required. The title name and will be displayed as header or footer.
columns[ColName].sortable |
boolean |
Enable/disable sort feature for the column.
columns[ColName].width |
number |
The width size of cells under this column.
columns[ColName].textAlign |
string |
The alignment of cells text under this column.
columns[ColName].template |
function string |
A callback function support for column rendering and recieve a parameter object of current row's value.
Can be also a string with placeholder and define with field name {{field}}.
columns[ColName].sortCallback |
function string |
A callback function support for custom sorting.
columns[ColName].overflow |
string |
CSS overflow value.
columns[ColName].responsive |
object |
Set visible or invisible for each responsive breakpoint.
columns[ColName].selector |
object |
Enable column as selector (checkbox only with no text) and provide custom
class name.
columns[ColName].locked |
object |
Set the column to which side to be locked or static. Set object with which side left/right as key and the value is which responsive breakpoint to lock.
Method | Description | ||||||||||||
m-datatable--on-init |
Initialization of table.
m-datatable--on-destroy |
On datatable destroyed.
Event that will be triggered on layout rendering update and resizing datatable.
m-datatable--on-ajax-done |
After ajax request is completed.
m-datatable--on-ajax-fail |
Ajax request is failed.
m-datatable--on-goto-page |
Navigate to any page number.
Update page size.
m-datatable--on-reloaded |
Reload datatable.
m-datatable--on-check |
On check checkbox selector.
m-datatable--on-uncheck |
On uncheck checkbox selector.
m-datatable--on-sort |
Sorting datatable.
Method | Description | ||||||||||||
datatable.load() |
Load datatable datasource. Same function with datatable.reload(). | ||||||||||||
datatable.reload() |
Reload datatable datasource and rerender the table. | ||||||||||||
datatable.destroy() |
Destroy the datatable instance and revert the HTML. | ||||||||||||
datatable.getRecord(id) |
Select record in the datatable by ID. ID is refers to the value of first column.
Use with chaining methods datatable.getColumn(columnName)
Get column by column name.
Use with chaining methods
datatable.getValue() to get a cell value.
datatable.getValue() |
Get selected records values as string.
datatable.sort(columnName, sort)
Sort datatable by columnName field. Sort by ascending or descending.
datatable.setActive(cell) |
Set datatable selector checkbox to active state.
datatable.setInactive(cell) |
Set datatable selector checkbox to inactive state.
Set datatable selector checkbox active/inactive for all records.
Get selected records.
||||||||||||, column)
Execute search method to filter datatable records.
datatable.setDataSourceParam(param, value) |
Modify the datasource parameters and save it in datatable state.
Must be call
datatable.load() to load new modified datasource and rerender table.
datatable.getDataSourceParam(param) |
Get current datasource parameters by param type of pagination, sort, or query.
A helper function shortcut to
datatable.getDataSourceParam('query') .
Get current query datasource parameter.
datatable.getCurrentPage() |
Get current selected page number
datatable.getPageSize() |
Get current selected page size number.
datatable.getTotalRows() |
Get total rows of record.
datatable.table() |
Return the jQuery element of the table | ||||||||||||
datatable.row(selector) |
Select a single row from the table by css selector. The method return datatable instance.
datatable.rows(selector) |
Select multiple rows from the table by css selector. The method return datatable instance.
datatable.column(index) |
Select a single column from the table index. The method return datatable instance.
datatable.columns(selector) |
Select multiple columns from the table by css selector. The method return datatable instance.
datatable.remove() |
Delete selected a single row or multiples rows. Can be used after selector methods row(selector) or
rows(selector) .
datatable.visible(visibility) |
Set the visibility of selected rows or columns. Can be used after selector methods row(selector) or
rows(selector) .
datatable.nodes() |
Return nodes of the selected rows or columns. Can be used after selector methods row(selector) or
rows(selector) .
Below is the sample ajax response from back-end for the remote source datatable.
"meta": {
"page": 1,
"pages": 35,
"perpage": 10,
"total": 350,
"sort": "asc",
"field": "ShipDate"
"data": [
"RecordID": 10,
"OrderID": "55154-5393",
"ShipCountry": "NG",
"ShipCity": "Sapele",
"ShipName": "Moen, Kertzmann and Mills",
"ShipAddress": "1 Nancy Junction",
"CompanyEmail": "",
"CompanyAgent": "Ely Pere",
"CompanyName": "Jacobi, O'Conner and Kuhlman",
"Currency": "NGN",
"Notes": "adipiscing molestie hendrerit at vulputate vitae nisl aenean lectus pellentesque eget nunc donec quis orci eget orci vehicula",
"Department": "Shoes",
"Website": "",
"Latitude": 5.8750769,
"Longitude": 5.6931356,
"ShipDate": "1\/1\/2016",
"PaymentDate": "2017-06-20 10:42:35",
"TimeZone": "Africa\/Lagos",
"Status": 3,
"Type": 1,
"TotalPayment": "88,211.68 NGN"
"RecordID": 263,
"OrderID": "43406-0032",
"ShipCountry": "US",
"ShipCity": "Fort Pierce",
"ShipName": "Moore-Schaden",
"ShipAddress": "451 Fuller Junction",
"CompanyEmail": "",
"CompanyAgent": "Tristan Defau",
"CompanyName": "Mayer and Sons",
"Currency": "USD",
"Notes": "mauris enim leo rhoncus sed vestibulum sit amet cursus id turpis integer aliquet massa id lobortis convallis tortor risus",
"Department": "Music",
"Website": "",
"Latitude": 27.3980151,
"Longitude": -80.3714326,
"ShipDate": "1\/1\/2017",
"PaymentDate": "2017-05-21 01:45:57",
"TimeZone": "America\/New_York",
"Status": 2,
"Type": 2,
"TotalPayment": "7,105.23 USD"
"RecordID": 77,
"OrderID": "68016-527",
"ShipCountry": "PH",
"ShipCity": "Batarasa",
"ShipName": "Gibson Inc",
"ShipAddress": "948 Roxbury Center",
"CompanyEmail": "",
"CompanyAgent": "Skippy Matitiaho",
"CompanyName": "Monahan, Haley and Murphy",
"Currency": "PHP",
"Notes": "sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit proin risus praesent lectus vestibulum quam sapien varius",
"Department": "Jewelery",
"Website": "",
"Latitude": 8.5015747,
"Longitude": 117.3557854,
"ShipDate": "1\/12\/2017",
"PaymentDate": "2016-09-07 16:34:55",
"TimeZone": "Asia\/Manila",
"Status": 1,
"Type": 3,
"TotalPayment": "9,541.82 PHP"
"RecordID": 330,
"OrderID": "54868-5303",
"ShipCountry": "PH",
"ShipCity": "Sillon",
"ShipName": "Balistreri Group",
"ShipAddress": "8203 Truax Center",
"CompanyEmail": "",
"CompanyAgent": "Kipp Vickarman",
"CompanyName": "Kerluke and Sons",
"Currency": "PHP",
"Notes": "lobortis ligula sit amet eleifend pede libero quis orci nullam molestie",
"Department": "Clothing",
"Website": "",
"Latitude": 11.186148,
"Longitude": 123.7487563,
"ShipDate": "1\/14\/2017",
"PaymentDate": "2017-05-16 18:29:45",
"TimeZone": "Asia\/Manila",
"Status": 6,
"Type": 1,
"TotalPayment": "8,300.97 PHP"
"RecordID": 51,
"OrderID": "49884-659",
"ShipCountry": "ID",
"ShipCity": "Atap",
"ShipName": "Blanda Group",
"ShipAddress": "1 Monica Alley",
"CompanyEmail": "",
"CompanyAgent": "Shelagh Jackes",
"CompanyName": "Schiller Inc",
"Currency": "IDR",
"Notes": "iaculis justo in hac habitasse platea dictumst etiam faucibus cursus",
"Department": "Jewelery",
"Website": "",
"Latitude": 3.8152026,
"Longitude": 117.1147095,
"ShipDate": "1\/15\/2016",
"PaymentDate": "2016-06-24 03:01:19",
"TimeZone": "Asia\/Makassar",
"Status": 2,
"Type": 1,
"TotalPayment": "8,397.18 IDR"
"RecordID": 313,
"OrderID": "23155-179",
"ShipCountry": "PA",
"ShipCity": "Potrero Grande",
"ShipName": "Olson, Schmeler and Little",
"ShipAddress": "3 Bartillon Place",
"CompanyEmail": "",
"CompanyAgent": "Corliss Grandison",
"CompanyName": "Mills-Beatty",
"Currency": "PAB",
"Notes": "egestas metus aenean fermentum donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis nulla neque libero convallis eget eleifend",
"Department": "Clothing",
"Website": "",
"Latitude": 8.881634,
"Longitude": -79.8268729,
"ShipDate": "1\/16\/2016",
"PaymentDate": "2017-12-06 10:30:59",
"TimeZone": "America\/Panama",
"Status": 3,
"Type": 2,
"TotalPayment": "85,706.89 PAB"
"RecordID": 153,
"OrderID": "53341-515",
"ShipCountry": "MD",
"ShipCity": "Saharna",
"ShipName": "Leffler, Sawayn and Denesik",
"ShipAddress": "07247 Del Sol Hill",
"CompanyEmail": "",
"CompanyAgent": "Findley Shank",
"CompanyName": "Reilly LLC",
"Currency": "MDL",
"Notes": "dui nec nisi volutpat eleifend donec ut dolor morbi vel lectus in quam fringilla rhoncus mauris enim leo",
"Department": "Industrial",
"Website": "",
"Latitude": 47.6949791,
"Longitude": 28.9654659,
"ShipDate": "1\/17\/2016",
"PaymentDate": "2017-01-05 15:53:50",
"TimeZone": "Europe\/Chisinau",
"Status": 6,
"Type": 1,
"TotalPayment": "993,295.17 MDL"
"RecordID": 112,
"OrderID": "50580-198",
"ShipCountry": "PT",
"ShipCity": "Loureiro",
"ShipName": "Labadie, Hegmann and Jones",
"ShipAddress": "9986 Arapahoe Place",
"CompanyEmail": "",
"CompanyAgent": "Baxie Glaister",
"CompanyName": "Stark, Haley and Koepp",
"Currency": "EUR",
"Notes": "suspendisse potenti in eleifend quam a odio in hac habitasse platea dictumst maecenas",
"Department": "Tools",
"Website": "",
"Latitude": 41.4808684,
"Longitude": -8.3624629,
"ShipDate": "1\/17\/2016",
"PaymentDate": "2016-04-24 01:53:42",
"TimeZone": "Europe\/Lisbon",
"Status": 3,
"Type": 3,
"TotalPayment": "9,705.78 EUR"
"RecordID": 29,
"OrderID": "30142-106",
"ShipCountry": "RU",
"ShipCity": "Loukhi",
"ShipName": "Klein-Streich",
"ShipAddress": "61 Cascade Plaza",
"CompanyEmail": "",
"CompanyAgent": "Minor Gallamore",
"CompanyName": "Huels-Strosin",
"Currency": "RUB",
"Notes": "sollicitudin ut suscipit a feugiat et eros vestibulum ac est lacinia nisi venenatis tristique",
"Department": "Beauty",
"Website": "",
"Latitude": 66.0733463,
"Longitude": 33.0544476,
"ShipDate": "1\/17\/2016",
"PaymentDate": "2016-03-09 04:40:38",
"TimeZone": "Europe\/Moscow",
"Status": 2,
"Type": 2,
"TotalPayment": "931,956.17 RUB"
"RecordID": 135,
"OrderID": "49348-387",
"ShipCountry": "FR",
"ShipCity": "Sens",
"ShipName": "Collins, Hackett and Vandervort",
"ShipAddress": "594 Hanover Crossing",
"CompanyEmail": "",
"CompanyAgent": "Tommy Kiezler",
"CompanyName": "Eichmann and Sons",
"Currency": "EUR",
"Notes": "etiam faucibus cursus urna ut tellus nulla ut erat id mauris vulputate elementum nullam varius nulla facilisi",
"Department": "Toys",
"Website": "",
"Latitude": 48.1903349,
"Longitude": 3.2995005,
"ShipDate": "1\/18\/2017",
"PaymentDate": "2016-12-28 03:56:57",
"TimeZone": "Europe\/Paris",
"Status": 2,
"Type": 2,
"TotalPayment": "811,814.44 EUR"
Field | Type | Description |
meta |
object |
Meta object should contain the metadata that required for the datatable pagination to work. | |
number |
The current page number. |
meta.pages |
number |
Total number of pages available in the server. |
meta.perpage |
number |
Total records per page. | |
number |
Total all records number available in the server |
meta.sort |
string |
Sort type asc for ascending and desc for descending.
meta.field |
string |
Field name which the sort should be applied to. |
data |
array |
Array of objects. |
var datatableOptions = {
extensions: {
checkbox: {
vars: {
selectedAllRows: 'selectedAllRows',
requestIds: 'requestIds',
rowIds: 'meta.rowIds',
Field | Type | Description |
vars.selectedAllRows |
string |
Flag params for selected all rows, to be sent to the server in the request. |
vars.requestIds |
string |
Enable to request the all rows IDs from server. |
vars.rowIds |
string |
Response path for all rows IDs in the server response. |
I run a team of 20 product managers, developers, QA and UX resources. Previously we designed everything ourselves. For our newest platform we tried out Metronic. I cannot overestimate the impact Metronic has had. It's accelerated development 3x and reduced QA issues by 50%. If you add up the reduced need for design time/resources, the increase in dev speed and the reduction in QA, it's probably saved us $100,000 on this project alone, and I plan to use it for all platforms moving forward.
The flexibility of the design has also allowed us to put out a better looking & working platform and reduced my headaches by 90%. Thank you KeenThemes!
Everything within Metronic is customizable globally to provide limitless unique styled projects
Choose a perfect design for your next project among hundreds of demos
A huge collection of components to power your application with the latest UI/UX trands
Enterprise ready Angular 6 integration with built-in authentication module and many more
Metronic deeply customizes Bootstrap with native look and feel
Our super sleek and intuitive Datatable comes packed with all advanced CRUD features
Metronic is the only theme trusted by over 60,000 developers world wide
Lifetime updates with new demos and features is guaranteed
Metronic is writer with a code structure that all developers will be able to pick up easily and fall in love